Our offices will be closed until Tuesday February 18th, for the holiday. If you have any urgent issues, you can still call into your district for assistance.

River Island Emergency – March 10, 2023 – May 11, 2023

River Island Emergency – March 10, 2023 – May 11, 2023
Catastrophic Emergency Update . . . . . . 

Updates will be made to this site Monday – Friday by approximately 5:00 pm.

Due to catastrophic flooding, there are broken mainlines in River Island Territory 1.  We are working hard to restore potable service to the entire district.

We are working closely with our State regulators, including the Division of Drinking Water and the California Public Utilities Commission, to ensure that we are we are following all regulations as we work to restore the water system as quickly as possible. 

Please sign up for emergency updates via SMS text and email here.  Our billing system only allows for one SMS text phone number per location.

Updated 5/11/23 at 8:35 am

Del Oro is pleased to announce that the State has lifted the Do Not Drink Order. All areas of the River Island District now have potable water. Del Oro recommends flushing all taps in your home for 5 minutes to ensure that any non-potable water is out of your home’s pipes. 

DOWC River Island District Unsafe Water Cancellation Notice 5/11/2023

Updated 5/10/23 at 4:00 pm

Second round samples came back favorable today for the potable water system. The area South of the Tule River remains under the Do Not Drink Order until the State lifts the Order.

Updated 5/9/23 at 4:30 pm

First round samples came back favorable today for the potable water system. Second round samples will be taken tomorrow. If all goes well, we expect to lift the Do Not Drink Order by the end of the week. The area South of the Tule River remains under the Do Not Drink Order until this process is complete and the State lifts the Order.

Del Oro personnel continue to cleanup and repair the water system following the flooding, in addition to their normal duties running the water system.


This photo shows Well 31 prior to cleanup after the water receded:

And this shows the well head following cleanup:

Updated 5/8/23 at 3:55 pm

First round samples were taken today in the potable water system. Second round samples will be taken tomorrow. If all goes well, we expect to lift the Do Not Drink Order by the end of the week. The area South of the Tule River remains under the Do Not Drink Order until this process is complete and the State lifts the Order.

Updated 5/5/23 at 3:45 pm

The repaired mainline section passed bacteriological testing. The potable water system will be flushed and sampled over the new few days. The area South of the Tule River remains under the Do Not Drink Order until this process is complete and the State lifts the Order.

Updated 5/4/23 at 5:00 pm

No new updates. Please see 5/3/23 information.

Updated 5/3/23 at 4:00 pm

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: Disinfection of the repaired mainline was done yesterday, and first round sampling was taken today. Second round samples will be taken tomorrow, and we expect to receive those results Friday, 5/5/2023. The potable water system will then be flushed, and additional testing performed at various sample sites. We anticipate this sampling will occur through Wednesday, 5/10/2023. We will post additional information as it becomes available. The area South of the Tule River remains under the Do Not Drink Order until this process is complete and the State lifts the Do Not Drink Order.

Updated 5/1/23 at 5:45 pm

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: The connections for the mainline repair have been completed. Disinfection of the repaired area will begin tomorrow, with testing beginning Wednesday. The potable water system will then be flushed, and additional testing performed. We anticipate this testing will take one week, from Wednesday, 5/3, to Wednesday, 5/10/2023. We will post additional information as it becomes available. The area South of the Tule River remains under the Do Not Drink Order until this process is complete.

Thank you for your patience; we look forward to bringing the system back to normal operation!

Updated 4/28/23 at 5:00 pm

No new updates. Please see 4/27/23 information.

Updated 4/27/23 at 4:51 pm

River Island main line repair was flushed today of all sediment. Last connection will be made tomorrow.

Monday will start the chlorination and testing process. There will be no service interruption. (New line must soak for 48 hours before flushing system and starting testing.


Updated 4/26/23 at 5:00 pm

Montgomery Ranch customers were hand delivered notices today regarding urgent conservation efforts needed during construction to conserve water while on the irrigation wells which are close to not being able to keep up with the demand.

GREAT NEWS!  Construction is rapidly moving along; contractor estimates new main line will be completed by Thursday 4/27/23 a week ahead of schedule.

Once the main line is connected on Thursday, Friday flushing will occur along with disinfection of the line.

We anticipate that State Lab Testing will be take place starting on Monday 5/1/23.


Mainline repair closet to the bridge.  Backfill will happen tomorrow.

 Updated 4/25/23 at 4:40 pm


Water should be used for sanitary uses only. The irrigation wells being used to supply water have a much lower flow than the wells we normally use. This means it takes more time to produce water and fill the tanks. Over use of water could mean others in the area do not have water for sanitary purposes. Please conserve: NO outside watering, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. These restricts are in place until further notice. DOWC is estimating full usage of water to be available in approximately two (2) weeks.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: Pipeline construction is estimated to be completed ahead of schedule, with pipeline completion by end of this week.  Water testing will start next week.


Access road complete to mainline repair project site. Culverts installed.

Another shot of mainline repair project access road & culverts

Remaining mainline connection to make

Updated 4/24/23 at 5:00 pm

Back fill material still being brought in to build up road, digging up sand around mainline to be replaced. Water is filling the holes in, three pumps are working to dewater around the main line in trying to keep mainline exposed. Still estimated at 3 weeks for completion.

Water delivery came in Saturday


Updated 4/20/23 at 4:45 pm


The photos below show the area being repaired in River Island District. First, the road is being rebuilt to access the area.

Updated 4/17/23 at 4:30 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: Our contractor cut in the access road to reach the mainline replacement site today. They will bring in gravel tomorrow so they can bring in heavy equipment. They also had to take apart and widen two fence gates. (See photos below.) We will update customers as additional information becomes available about the construction timeline.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition, take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

For customers who are considering renting or purchasing a portable water tank, the State will consider this an illegal cross-connection in the system. Therefore, we are advising customers not to do this at all. If DOWC finds a tank on your property, and you do not have a backflow prevention device, DOWC may shut off service to your property to avoid possible contamination of the entire system. DOWC will not be reimbursing customers for these tanks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.


Here is the path of the access road to get to the site where the mainline will be replaced:

And here you can see how they had to cut in and clean up the old access road:

Updated 4/14/23 at 4:50 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: We met today with our contractor and the owner of the property where we will stage equipment for the repair starting next week. Our contractor will begin staging equipment on Monday, 4/17/2023. We will update customers as additional information becomes available about the construction timeline.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition, take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

For customers who are considering renting or purchasing a portable water tank, the State will consider this an illegal cross-connection in the system. Therefore, we are advising customers not to do this at all. If DOWC finds a tank on your property, and you do not have a backflow prevention device, DOWC may shut off service to your property to avoid possible contamination of the entire system. DOWC will not be reimbursing customers for these tanks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 4/13/23 at 4:50 pm

No new updates. Please see 4/12/23 information.

Updated 4/12/23 at 4:25 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: We are meeting Friday with our contractor and the owner of the property where we will stage equipment for the repair starting next week. We appreciate the access he has allowed us during this disaster. We will update customers as additional information becomes available about the construction timeline. We will update customers as additional information becomes available about the construction timeline.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 4/11/23 at 5:00 pm

System Damage

 NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: We have known that restoring potable service to the area south of the Tule River would not be easily accomplished given the terrain and magnitude of the damage. Now that flood waters have finally receded enough to sufficiently access the damaged site, we met with engineers again today. Reconstruction of the mainline will consist of building an access road, reinstalling the washed out culverts, and moving equipment in to replace and reconnect the lines. We are optimistic about being able to start construction next week, with the work slated to take three weeks at a cost of over $100,000. Materials have already been staged to maximize efficiency. Costs to achieve full restoration of the River Island water system, including all emergency expenses incurred, may well reach $150,000.

We will update customers as additional information becomes available about the construction timeline. Please see photos below showing the damaged areas.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition, take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.


Locations of mainline breaks are marked in the photo below:

Here, you can see the 8” mainline attached to the bridge:

Here is the washout and break labeled #1 above:

And finally, here is the break labeled #2 above, which is completely washed out, difficult to access, and requires significant rebuilding:

Updated 4/7/23 at 4:25 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: We will be meeting with engineers on Tuesday, 4/11/2023. We are optimistic about being able to start construction by the end of next week. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition, take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 4/6/23 at 5:10 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: Our contractor is currently trying to determine how they can work around the water that remains high. Due to the soft, sandy soil, equipment cannot be safely moved in to replace the mainline until the water recedes because any heavy equipment would sink. Our contractor is considering using a cofferdam or diverting the water. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 4/5/23 at 4:45 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: Our contractor is currently trying to determine how they can work around the water that remains high. Due to the soft, sandy soil, equipment cannot be safely moved in to replace the mainline until the water recedes because any heavy equipment would sink. (See photo below.) Our contractor is considering using a cofferdam or diverting the water. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation. 

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.


Below is a photo of the area crews need to access to replace the mainline that was attached to the bridge. The soil is very soft and sandy and is hazardous to bring equipment onto:

Updated 4/4/23 at 4:15 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: We reached out to our contractor today, who will remain on standby until equipment can be safely moved in to replace the mainline. The water level remains high, and must recede before we can move forward. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation. 

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 4/3/23 at 4:45 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: Our contractor is on standby until equipment can be safely moved in to replace the mainline. More rain is expected through Tuesday, which will keep the water level high. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Purchased Water Reimbursement

See previous remarks.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 3/31/23 at 4:20 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: Our contractor surveyed the area today to determine when equipment can be safely moved in to replace the mainline. More rain is expected Monday and Tuesday next week, which will keep the water level high. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation. 

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 3/30/23 at 4:25 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: We are still waiting for the water to recede so our contractor can safely move in equipment to replace the mainline. More rain is expected Monday and Tuesday next week, which will keep the water level high. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.

Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement requests can be sent to us at:

Mail Del Oro Water Company

Bottled Water Reimbursement

Drawer 5172

Chico, CA 95927

Fax (530) 717-2639

Email CommunityRelations@DelOroWater.com

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 3/29/23 at 4:30 pm

System Damage

NORTH OF THE TULE RIVER: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

SOUTH OF THE TULE RIVER: We are waiting for our contractor to determine when it is safe to move in equipment to replace the mainline. Rain will continue this week, and work will depend on the weather. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule Riverlimited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We received a large shipment this morning and now have both 5-gallon and 1-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 3/29/23 at 9:20 am

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule Riverwe received a delivery of 1-Gallon bottled water today at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We also have 5-gallon bottles of water available.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Cases of 1-gallon bottled water delivered to the RICC today:


Updated 3/28/23 at 4:05 pm

We at Del Oro thank you for your patience during this ongoing catastrophe. We apologize for the hardship you are experiencing due to the interruption of such an essential service. While we cannot control the weather and its effects, we are working tirelessly to restore your water system to full functionality while keeping our personnel and contractors safe. 

System Damage

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

South of Tule River: We are waiting for our contractor to determine when it is safe to move in equipment to replace the mainline. Rain will continue this week, and work will depend on the weather. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the updated Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We only have 5-gallon bottles of water available, and we have ordered more 1-gallon bottles. We anticipate that more 1-gallon bottles will arrive Thursday, 3/30/2023.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 3/27/23 at 5:00 pm

System Damage

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

South of Tule River: We are waiting for our contractor to determine when it is safe to move in equipment to safely replace the mainline. More storms are expected in the coming days, and work will depend on the weather. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the updated Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We only have 5-gallon bottles of water available, and we have ordered more 1-gallon bottles. We anticipate that more 1-gallon bottles will arrive early next week.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 3/24/23 at 4:20 pm

System Damage

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

South of Tule River: We are optimistic that our contractor will soon be able to safely replace the mainline, depending on the depth of the river. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the updated Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule Riverlimited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We only have 5-gallon bottles of water available, and we have ordered more 1-gallon bottles. We anticipate that more 1-gallon bottles will arrive early next week.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

Updated 3/23/23 at 5:10 pm

System Damage

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink, the tanks are full, and we have no new updates.

South of Tule River: We are optimistic that our contractor will soon be able to safely replace the mainline. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashing.DO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition,take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics. Field personnel handed out notices door-to-door today clearing the water for additional sanitary uses.

Please CLICK HERE for the updated Do Not Drink notice.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We only have 5-gallon bottles of water available, and we have ordered more 1-gallon bottles. We anticipate that more 1-gallon bottles will arrive early next week.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. Customers can also fill buckets or other containers to flush toilets, etc. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


The State has cleared the water for showering for customers receiving non-potable irrigation water.

As a reminder, here is the map of locations South of the Tule River receiving non-potable irrigation water: 

Updated 3/23/23 at 8:40 am

South of Tule River: DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition, take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics.

Please CLICK HERE for the updated Do Not Drink notice.

Updated 3/22/23 at 5:50 pm

System Damage

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink and we have no new updates.

South of Tule River: The River is at its lowest since the flooding started. (See photos below.) We are optimistic that our contractor will soon be able to safely replace the mainline. We will update customers as information becomes available.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. The State Division of Drinking Water has advised Del Oro that the water is now cleared for bathing and handwashingDO NOT use this water for cooking or drinking due to nitrates above the Maximum Contaminant Level. In addition, take care with laundry as cloudy water may stain certain fabrics. We will be providing the notice tomorrow clearing the water for additional sanitary uses.

Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule Riverlimited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We only have 5-gallon bottles of water available, and we have ordered more 1-gallon bottles. We anticipate that more 1-gallon bottles will arrive early next week.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. Customers can also fill buckets or other containers to flush toilets, etc. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


Showers are available for public use at the Porterville College Gym located at 100 E College Ave. in Porterville. These showers are not ADA compliant.


Here, you can see that the water has finally receded at the bridge where we need to replace the 8″ mainline:

Updated 3/21/23 at 5:20 pm

System Damage

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, the water continues to be safe to drink. Notice was distributed door-to-door on 3/17/2023.

South of Tule River: Materials have been delivered, but our contractor still is not able to replace the mainline that is attached to the Tule River Bridge. As of today, the river is still too high, and is estimated to remain too high for at least another week.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. DO NOT use this water for bathing or handwashing. We took samples yesterday, 3/20/23, to determine if this source of water is acceptable for these uses. An additional notice will be provided with an update if test results demonstrate that this water source is acceptable for additional sanitary uses.  Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. We appreciate your conservation.  

 Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We only have 5-gallon bottles of water available, and we have ordered more 1-gallon bottles. We will update you when we have a delivery date.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Our attendant can help customers refill 5-gallon bottles there from 2pm to 6pm Monday through Friday. Customers can also fill buckets or other containers to flush toilets, etc. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


Showers are available for public use at the Porterville College Gym located at 100 E College Ave. in Porterville. These showers are not ADA compliant.

Updated 3/20/23 at 4:20 pm

System Damage

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, the water is safe to drink, and that notice was distributed door-to-door today, 3/17/2023.

South of Tule River: Materials have been delivered, but our contractor will not be able to replace the mainline that is attached to the Tule River Bridge until the water recedes at least 12”. As of today, the river is still too high, and is estimated to remain high for at least another week.

DOWC is still providing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. DO NOT use this water for bathing or handwashing. We took samples today, 3/20/23, to determine if this source of water is acceptable for these uses. An additional notice will be provided with an update if test results demonstrate that this water source is acceptable for additional sanitary uses. Reminder: To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc.  

 Bottled Water – For Customers South of the Tule River

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. We have 5-gallon bottles of water available, and we have ordered more 1-gallon bottles.

In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Customers can also fill buckets or other containers to flush toilets, etc. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

See previous remarks.


Showers are available for public use at the Porterville College Gym located at 100 E College Ave. in Porterville. These showers are not ADA compliant.

Updated 3/18/23 at 11:15 am

Customers south of Tule River – Our small irrigation wells are unable to keep up with the curent demand. We are getting calls from customers in your area with no or low pressure. To keep all customers in water for sanitary uses, we need all customers to conserve: NO outside water use, NO filling of pools, NO excessive uses, etc. 

Updated 3/17/23 at 5:10 pm

First and most importantly, DOWC hopes that all of our customers are staying safe during these unprecedented storms.

System Damage

Today, 3/17/2023, contractors surveyed the district to determine where and how severe breaks are, and when we can potentially replace or repair those sections, as needed.

South of Tule River: Materials have been delivered, but our contractor will not be able to replace the mainline that is attached to the Tule River Bridge until the water recedes at least 12”. At that point, they will be able to divert enough water to begin work.

DOWC is still pressurizing the system with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. We have limited irrigation wells filling the system, so the pumps are working overtime, which puts air into the water causing it to appear cloudy. Please open a faucet slightly to allow air to escape as the pipes recharge in your home.

DO NOT use this water for bathing or handwashing. We will be performing water testing in the next 48 hours to determine if this source of water is acceptable for these uses. An additional notice will be provided with an update if test results demonstrate that this water source is acceptable for these additional sanitary uses.

Please CLICK HERE to see the notice that applies only to customers south of the Tule River. These notices were distributed door-to-door on 3/16/2023.

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, the water is safe to drink, and that notice was distributed door-to-door today, 3/17/2023.

Please CLICK HERE to see the notice that applies only to customers north of the Tule River.

Bottled Water

Only for distribution to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club (RICC). Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you.

A major supply of bottled water was received this morning. In addition, a filling station is available near the RICC tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to drink. Customers may also fill buckets or other containers to flush toilets, etc. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

For customers who are considering renting or purchasing a portable water tank, the State will consider this an illegal cross-connection in the system. Therefore, we are advising customers not to do this at all. If DOWC finds a tank on your property, and you do not have a backflow prevention device, DOWC may shut off service to your property to avoid possible contamination of the entire system. DOWC will not be reimbursing customers for these tanks.


Showers are available for public use at the Porterville College Gym located at 100 E College Ave. in Porterville. These showers are not ADA compliant.

Updated 3/16/23 at 5:30 pm

First and most importantly, DOWC hopes that all of our customers are staying safe during these unprecedented storms.

System Damage

The water finally receded enough today, allowing field staff to view some of the damage; however, more rain is expected, requiring personnel to continuously survey for damage. Tomorrow, 3/17/2023, contractors will survey the district to determine where and how severe breaks are, and when we can potentially replace or repair those sections, as needed.


South of Tule River: The storm-related flooding has broken our main line that goes over the Tule River attached to the bridge. The Montgomery Ranch service area was most affected by this main line break. Having secured the approval of the State, DOWC will be pressurizing the system this evening with NON-POTABLE (non-consumable, untreated) irrigation water. We expect the system to achieve full pressure by the end of the weekend.

Customers will have air in their lines. You may need to turn on the water slowly to bleed the air from your lines.

DO NOT use this water for bathing or handwashing at this time. We will be performing water testing in the next 48 hours to determine if this source of water is acceptable for these uses. An additional notice will be provided with an update if test results demonstrate that this water source is acceptable for these additional sanitary uses.

Please CLICK HERE to see the notice that applies only to customers south of the Tule River. These notices are being distributed door-to-door this evening, 3/16/2023.


  • Appaloosa Dr.
  • Bonner Ct.
  • Cattle Dr.
  • Coyote Dr.
  • Deer Creek Dr.
  • Goat Rand Rd.
  • Pinto Ct.
  • Pleasant Oak Dr.
  • Roberts Ct.
  • Silver Fox Dr.
  • Spotted Fawn Ct.
  • Talboy Ct.
  • Thomas Dr.
  • Wardlaw Dr.
  • Winchester Ct.
  • Wrangler Ct.

North of Tule River: For customers north of the Tule River, samples were taken 3/14/2023 to ensure the water is safe to drink.  Those results came back favorably, and we are officially issuing a cancelation of the Do Not Drink Order. This Safe to Drink notice is being distributed door-to-door tomorrow, 3/17/2023.

Please CLICK HERE to see the notice that applies only to customers north of the Tule River.

Bottled Water

For distribution only to customers located south of the Tule River, limited quantities of bottled drinking water are available daily at the River Island Country Club. Hours for pickup are between 2pm and 6pm. A major supply of bottled water is expected Friday morning. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. In addition, a filling station is available near the tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to drink. Customers may also fill buckets or other containers to flush toilets, etc. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks

For customers who are still without water and are considering renting or purchasing a portable water tank, the State will consider this an illegal cross-connection in the system. Therefore, we are advising customers not to do this at all. If DOWC finds a tank on your property, and you do not have a backflow prevention device, DOWC may shut off service to your property to avoid possible contamination of the entire system. DOWC will not be reimbursing customers for these tanks.


Showers are available for public use at the Porterville College Gym located at 100 E College Ave. in Porterville. These showers are not ADA compliant.

Updated 3/15/23 at 5 pm

First and most importantly, DOWC hopes that all of our customers are staying safe during these unprecedented storms.

System Damage

The damage to our main lines and wells is being assessed daily. We are working with our field crews and engineers as quickly and safely as possible to restore service to those without water.

South of Tule River: The storm-related flooding has broken our main line that goes over the Tule River. The Montgomery Ranch service area was most affected by this main line break.  The main line break does not allow us to fill the water tanks in the area. DOWC crews are working with our engineers to find a safe way to repair the main line as quickly as possible.

Customers that have an irrigation service line (customers who have two accounts with DOWC) may use irrigation water to flush toilets. This water is not safe to drink. If you are unsure if you have access to this or have questions, please call 530-717-2514.

North of Tule River: For customers who have water in their pipes (those north of the Tule River), samples were taken yesterday, 3/14/2023, to ensure safety.  While results came back today, 3/15/2023, we cannot advise you to drink the water until we officially issue a cancelation of the Do Not Drink Order, which was issued 3/10/2023. We expect to issue this cancelation tomorrow, 3/16/2023.

Bottled Water 

Limited quantities of bottled drinking water will be available daily at the River Island Country Club. Starting Thursday, March 16, hours for pickup will be between 2pm and 6pm. A truckload of bottled water is expected Friday morning. If you or a neighbor are unable to make it to the Country Club due to road conditions or a disability, please let the attendant know or call 530-717-2514 and we will arrange a drop off for you. In addition, a filling station is available near the tennis courts for customers to refill water bottles. This water is safe to consume. Customers can also fill buckets or other containers to flush toilets or take sponge baths. Any drinking water purchased during the outage will be reimbursed by DOWC; please save your dated receipts. Reimbursement information will be available soon.

Portable Tanks 

For customers who are still without water and are considering renting or purchasing a portable water tank, the Division of Drinking of Water (DDW) will consider this an illegal cross-connection in the system. Therefore, we are advising customers not to do this at all. If DOWC finds a tank on your property, and you do not have a backflow prevention device, DOWC can shut off service to your property to avoid contaminating the system. DOWC will not be reimbursing customers for these tanks.


Showers are available for public use at Porterville College located at 100 E College Ave. in Porterville. Please head to the gym and bring your own supplies.

Streets without Water Service

If you do not have service and your street not listed below, please call us immediately. 

  • Appaloosa Dr.
  • Bonner Ct.
  • Cattle Dr.
  • Coyote Dr.
  • Deer Creek Dr.
  • Goat Rand Rd.
  • Pinto Ct.
  • Pleasant Oak Dr.
  • Roberts Ct.
  • Silver Fox Dr.
  • Spotted Fawn Ct.
  • Talboy Ct.
  • Thomas Dr.
  • Wardlaw Dr.
  • Winchester Ct.
  • Wrangler Ct.